The Journey Workshop 2016 // Cannon Beach, Oregon


So I am definitely months behind in posting about this fabulous experience I was a part of last year, called the Journey Workshop. But I still wanted to share it with all of you! It was a weekend full of learning, exploring, and growing that took place on the beautiful coastal town of Cannon Beach, Oregon. The workshop was geared towards honing our craft when working with couples and was put on by Jamie Jones and Cassy Berry. Both wonderfully talented photographers and so open to sharing all the tricks of their trade. It was also cool getting to meet other photographers from all over, that were just as passionate about furthering their photography businesses. It was such a nice balance of chatting about the business side of things, and then plenty of hands on learning during some stylized shoots. I walked away from this workshop with a full heart and plenty of inspiration. Take a peek into this crazy wonderful weekend...